Occupy Heinz Field, 10/26/11

So, a movement was hatched 2 days ago on Blue-Gold News’ message board called “Occupy Heinz Field.” [link]

Some of the ideas include: wearing red t-shirts(?), unveiling a huge Flying WV banner, getting some chants going, etc.

After the jump are the details, including how YOU can get in on all the action for a very low price.

WHAT: “Occupy Heinz Field.”
WHERE: Heinz Field (aka The Litter Box), Pittsburgh, PA
WHEN: Wednesday, 26 October 2011, kickoff 8pm Pitt vs. UConn
WHY: Why the hell not? Seriously, tickets on the 50 at Heinz Field are STARTING at $1. No, this isn’t a promotional price. This is a “please get this ticket off my hands” type of price. Plus, it’s not like Pitt fans are going to show up anyway.

Wanna buy tickets to Occupy Heinz Field? Click this StubHub link and find a ticket you want. I bet it’ll cost you more in fees to receive the ticket than the actual price of the ticket. (And, no, I don’t get a commission for that link… seriously, a commission on Pitt football tickets? Get real, dude.)

We will start a page on this site devoted entirely to “Occupy Heinz Field” starting soon. Meanwhile, we are taking submissions for ideas and other important things to remember for this momentous occasion. Send us an e-mail: hailwv.com@gmail.com and we’ll post it on the page! Also, hit us up on Twitter: (@hailwv). Twitter hash-tag for “Occupy Heinz Field” is #occupyheinzfield.

Will we be there? We’re hoping to send a site representative up there. We will announce more in the coming days.

Oh, and #firecraigjames